driven by technology, casco people are speeding up!-j9游会真人游戏第一品牌

driven by technology, casco people are speeding up!

19 mar 2024

spring comes early for diligent people, and it is the right time to make progress. since the resumption of work after the holiday, casco people have been high-spirited and actively participated in major scientific research projects and key project construction, aiming to achieve a “good start” in the first quarter with every effort.

three innovative products selected as national patent-intensive products

recently, the patent protection association of china released the "2023 list of national patent-intensive products". casco's three innovative products in the urban rail transit were successfully selected, making casco one of the first batch of companies included in the list. in recent years, casco has been closely following the guidance of national intellectual property policies, continuously improving the quality of patent applications, actively cultivating patent-intensive products, and promoting the transformation and utilization of patents in product r&d. casco's products stood out, fully demonstrating the leadership of casco's scientific research and technology, as well as the outstanding performance of the patented products in the market. it will further motivate casco to continue to carry out the cultivation and recognition of patent-intensive products, and to promote the industry's high-quality development based on high-value intellectual property rights.

digital metro leads the new trend in the industry

casco’s metro product center is actively preparing for the establishment of a digital metro pdt team to systematically and scientifically promote the r&d of digital metro solutions. this project team will actively carry out the prototype development of core function modules of digital metro, deeply explore and complete the research of digital key core technologies such as rail big transit data cloud platforms, autonomous intelligence, endogenous network security, etc., and further prepare and form the shanghai local standards and other top-level technical documents, so as to support the application and promotion of digital metro solutions, to access the market as soon as possible, and to empower the digitalization of the rail transit industry.

tranavi qiji tacs presents a new look for the new year

at the beginning of the new year, the casco tranavi qiji tacs r&d team started the architectural design and discussion of new product functions; the project team launched the data compilation for the entire shanghai metro line 3/4, and successfully realized the connected operation from the depot to the main line; and the safety team worked diligently to ensure the implementation of every safety rule, analyzing and screening possible safety risks. the sample section of the shanghai metro line 3/4 signal system renovation project has successfully passed expert review earlier, fully verifying the extremely high reliability and safety of casco tranavi qiji tacs system and laying a solid foundation for advancing the renovation of the entire line.

building a smart operation control and smart o&m platform

the successful contract signing ceremony for the key tasks of casco digital & smart product center in 2024 marked the kick-off of the smart operation control and smart o&m product development project. starting from the business of system design, the project is established to grasp the development direction of digital and smart products in strategic emerging industries and future industries, and build a smart operation and control platform and a multi-subsystem and smart o&m platform for the safety of smart metro operation based on a unified digital and smart base, it application innovation technology and ai, and accelerate the key tasks related to digital and smart products, industrial software, ai and industry large models to realize the transition to digital and smart metro operation, ensure operational safety, and improve the efficiency and quality of o&m.

vigorously advancing the construction of the shanghai rail transit airport link line

casco's r&d team is actively engaged in c2 and c2 cbtc integration projects for suburban rail construction, accelerating the construction of shanghai rail transit airport link line. casco has provided the ctcs2 ato signaling system for the project and is fully responsible for the integration design, production, supply, installation, commissioning and delivery of the signaling system. to ensure the smooth commissioning of the signaling system, the project team formulated a detailed work plan and related measures, and solidly pushed forward on-site construction, so as to be fully prepared for subsequent emu commissioning, comprehensive joint commissioning and other works.

exploring the development model of "rail new energy"

(photo source: shenzhen metro)

in order to fully respond to market development needs and create a second growth curve of the business, casco’s industrial innovation incubation center is actively planning to establish a joint laboratory for new energy technology r&d with the chinese academy of sciences, shenzhen metro signal and other units, dedicated to the research of pedf smart micro-grids. starting from the construction and network layout of supercharging stations, the lab will actively promote the integration of the strength of rail transit control technology and the new energy field, build an "underground ground low-altitude" 3d traffic control system, and promote the green and low-carbon transformation of the transportation industry.

in march comes the 38th anniversary of the founding of casco. in this season full of vigor and vitality, based on a new starting point, we are willing to stand up to the challenges with a new attitude, make further progress, strengthen our beliefs, and move forward bravely!



11f, building 2, shibei one center, no. 21, lane 1401, jiangchang road, jing'an district, shanghai

86 -21-5663 7080

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