creating new quality productive forces, casco wins national recognition for its achievements in industry-j9游会真人游戏第一品牌

creating new quality productive forces, casco wins national recognition for its achievements in industry-university-research collaboration

22 mar 2024

on march 17th, the 15th china industry-university-research collaborative innovation conference was held in beijing. with the theme of "new momentum, new models, new industries", the conference aimed to explore ways to promote closer integration between industry, universities, and research institutions, accelerate the formation of new quality productive forces, and achieve high-level technological independence and self-strengthening. at the same time, the conference recognized and honored advanced units that have made outstanding contributions to promoting industry-university-research collaboration.

at this conference, casco was awarded the first prize for "2023 china industry-university-research collaborative innovation achievements" for its innovative outcomes. additionally, the company was recognized as a "demonstration enterprise for china's industry-university-research collaborative innovation" for its outstanding performance in collaborative innovation, independent and controllable product technology, and the transformation of scientific and technological research achievements.

the award-winning project, "key core technologies of autonomous, intelligent, and highly dependable rail transit train control and significant engineering applications," was jointly completed by casco, tongji university, shanghai shentong metro group co., ltd., and shenzhen metro group co., ltd. the project fully leveraged the advantages of each party in r&d strength, scientific research resources, and engineering applications for technical research in areas such as fully automatic rail transit operation, multi-network integration of train control systems, safe and reliable operation scheduling, precise control of transportation capacity, and adaptive mixed operations, and actively promoted the transformation and application of technological achievements, enhancing the independence and autonomy of china's urban rail equipment.

as the core of casco's urban rail transit train control system solutions, the key technologies of this project have been widely applied across the country, covering more than 100 rail transit lines in 29 cities. these include beijing line 2, the first cbtc subway line in china, shanghai line 10, the first uto line in china, shenzhen line 20, the world's first operating tacs line, and shanghai line 2, the world's first multi-mode train control system renovation line, which have created significant economic and social benefits.

the "china industry-university-research collaborative innovation and promotion award" is approved and established by the ministry of science and technology and the national science and technology awards office. it plays an important role in building an innovation system with enterprises as the mainstay, market orientation, and deep integration of industry, universities, and research institutions. it is the highest honor award for collaborative innovation in china's industry-university-research community, which has been widely recognized by the scientific, industrial, and educational communities.

casco's recognition this time not only demonstrates the company's technological innovation strength and industry influence, but also injects new momentum into further exploring new models, mechanisms, and methods of industry-university-research collaboration. we will accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into new quality productive forces and contribute to the construction of an innovative country.



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