casco holds the 1st safety committee meeting in 2024-j9游会真人游戏第一品牌

casco holds the 1st safety committee meeting in 2024

25 jan 2024

on january 22, casco held the 1st safety committee meeting in 2024, which conveyed the requirement of implementing the guiding principles of crsc’s 2024 safety and quality work video conference, summarized the safety and quality works in 2023, studied and deployed the key safety and quality works in 2024, and called on all employees to start the new year always bearing safety in mind, always tighten the safety nerves, and unswervingly carry out the safety and quality works.

chaired by wang yin, secretary of the cpc committee, chairman, president and director of the safety committee of casco, the meeting conveyed the requirements in the speech titled “strengthening the responsibilities, focusing on the main role and main business, solving problems from the root, and creating a favorable environment for the high-quality, safe and healthy development of crsc” made by lou qiliang, deputy secretary of the cpc committee and president of crsc, at the company’s 2024 safety and quality work video conference. the requirements mainly involve three aspects of work. firstly, we should raise political stance, strengthen responsibilities, and effectively enhance the sense of mission and urgency to respond to the complex safety and quality situation. secondly, we should face the problem head-on, strengthen management and control strictly and practically, pay close attention to the implementation of the system, and strive to enhance the level of intrinsic safety. thirdly, we should work hard on implementation in every detail, dare to do things properly, and adhere to a meticulous style to effectively improve the level of safety and quality management to a new level. then he conveyed the report titled "crsc 2023 safety and quality work summary and 2024 safety and quality work arrangements" made by guo yongquan, crsc’s safety director, requiring departments at all levels of casco to study, convey and implement the guiding principles of the safety and quality work conference of the joint-stock company, and the safety and quality departments to properly compile and issue the no. 1 document on safety and quality of the year based on the actual situation.

huang hong, chief safety officer, and cao jie, manager of integrated quality department, made reports on safety and quality works respectively, including the completion of key works in 2023, key work arrangements in 2024 and related issues. fabrice toulouse, executive vice president, pointed out that all levels of the company should always pay attention to the safety and quality works, and be problem-solving oriented to further improve the level of safety capacity and ensure safe and stable operation of casco.

finally, wang yin made a summary of the meeting. he affirmed the efforts and achievements of all employees of the company in safety and quality works, and at the same time put forward some requirements on the safety and quality works. firstly, we should keep in mind that safety is the natural mission of a signal enterprise and is the dna in the blood of casco people. we must always maintain a sense of reverence for the safety, and continue to carry out the work of intrinsic safety, starting from the source, the process, and every detail in advance to ensure the realization of the company's safety goals. secondly, we should continuously promote our technological level to ensure safety, improve the reliability of the company's system products, and support the establishment of the company's brand. thirdly, we should emphasize the safety of engineering projects, continue to increase supervision and inspection efforts, and ensure closed-loop management of hidden dangers throughout the entire process. fourthly, we should make every effort to ensure the safety of operations at the end of the year and during important national holidays such as and the new year and the spring festival and the two sessions, practicing the brand concept of "fully protected and fully assured".

members of casco’s president’s office and safety committee and employee representatives attended the meeting.



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